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Artwork by Elena Ray

Artwork by Elena Ray

Art by Elena Ray



At the moment, I am working a reduced schedule and am fully booked with a robust waitlist. If you are interested in somatic work and would like to stay connected, please join my newsletter list (visit home page and scroll down to sign up) where I share writing and resources that pertain to somatic therapy, news on workshops or events, and updates to my schedule.

"Somatic Therapy" is an umbrella term for many different types of therapeutic support that put the body and body experiencing at the centre of the work. Somatic therapy can look and feel very different depending on what modality is being applied and the particular therapist's own style, preferences, and/or training.

I work primarily with an approach called Somatic Experiencing® (SE), what I sometimes call Body Centred Conversation. SE is a body centred therapeutic modality to support the resolution of stuck patterns and the integration of challenging or overwhelming past or present experiences through increasing regulation in the present moment. These sessions will help those seeking to release emotional and bodily stress from traumatic experiences, to integrate the challenging things that have happened to them, to grow their internal felt sense, and/or to develop more capacity and resilience in their everyday lives.

From the outside, an SE session may look like coaching or counselling with two people sitting in chairs together talking. However, unlike traditional therapy, my role is to support you to experience what the body is feeling, expressing, or inhibiting. I do this by tracking (careful listening and observation) and bringing what I notice to your attention. You do this by growing your body awareness and the ability to notice and tolerate physical sensations, and the emotions that come with them. We explore and build on your external resources and internal, somatic (body based) resources to sooth and support your nervous system. Over time, we build a greater ability in your system to allow, explore, and complete whatever is wanting or needing to happen in your body. 


At times, movement exercises, guided relaxation, writing or art practices, and/or co-regulating touchwork may be offered to guide, support, or contain the experiences and emotions that may arise.


My sessions are client led. This means that we decide on the direction of our work together - working within your stated intentions and goals and with what shows up in session as particularly important, relevant, and alive. 

My work is strongly influenced by my studies of Somatic Experiencing® (a body based approach for working with trauma and the nervous system), experiential counselling, trauma informed practice, an embodied approach to NonViolent Communication, 13+ years of work as a Yoga Therapist, and a personal and deep apprenticeship to the wisdom of the body as a natural, intuitive guide for our own insight, resourcing, and healing. 



Email me at to organise a 15 minute phone chat to learn more about the process, address any questions/concerns you might have, and book your first session. 


In Person (Island Bay, Wellington) or Online 

$130 per session

** Please note that body centred conversations/somatic experiencing® is an adjunct support, not a replacement, for professional mental health therapy. Due to the close relationship between psychological, emotional, and physical, sometimes other aspects of our health and/or chronic pain, illness also need to be addressed. I may also suggest that clients consider working with other health professionals - acupuncturist, herbalist, psychotherapy/counselling, medical testing, etc. **

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